How does it feeLs to be different from us.., different from me.., or even different from its? Are we the same..? *hHhmm* Do you ever think about how bLessed God was given us and the whoLe human in this worLd... very perfect Life! We got eyes to see, we got nose to smeLL, we got Lips to taLk, we got ears to hear, we got hands to hoLd, we got feet to waLks, and so on. Its aLL phyicaLLy cLassified, aight!? But, what if we think and thought out of those phisicaLLy differences, as we aLL notice that was caLLed.. mentaLLy or habbituaLLy or phicoLogycaL... differences. Every man for theirseLf!
I've been through so many things about those stuff. Ever since I was stiLL a teenager, around post graduated of high-schooL many years ago, I just reaLize.. that every man have so many different which are abLe to accept or cannot be accepted. No matter who you are, where you came from, your age, your status, your gender, bLa..bLaa..bLaa.., differences aLways comes first. We aLL cannot be the same, or try to be the same.
Sometimes we had some eager intention to becoming somebody eLse that we adore or something. It was a normaL things, so humanism, LiteraLLy. I guess it must often, not just sometimes.
Don't judge a book by its cover.., there was a statement that we must get more acquainted each other, wasn't it?! Every moves of our Life, aLways remember that words to at Least seeing others Like different from ourseLf. AcceptabLe is necessary and important.
Stories makes me Learn and teachabLe was something we caLLed gossipin' or said worse comments about someone eLse, friends, or even our famiLy. WeLL, yess I ever been there done that before, being harsh and negative thinking to someone that different from me, the weird and siLLy person I ever meet, I hate 'em! EviL! that is for sure.
*hohoo* feeLing sorry..
But, once upon a Last very Long time ago... disaster has comin' after me, and from that moment, I regret so desperate and won't expect that ever I wiLL did again! I won't ever being an eviL sh*t anymore.
Since that untilLL now.., friends around me who been "hate to accept different person and things", aLways surround me everyday. I just heard what they share about. But, never wanna be stand out for 'em. I gave 'em stories and experiences that I ever received Long back ago. Not at aLL, but a LittLe comment that might aware 'em. PLease don't be such an as*hoLe being a hater of differences.
One more thing... "different is wonderfuLL!"
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